Frequently Asked Questions


I can’t quiet my thoughts. I’ve attempted meditation and it did not work. How is this Sattva Meditation different? Will it work?

The answer is yes, this practice works for all. This practice is unique in the essence that it is an effortless mantra based technique that doesn’t require the cessation of thought completely. But, rather a different association of the thoughts that do present during the practice. It doesn’t require any special abilities or skills. In fact, if you can think you can meditate!

What if I’ve never practiced yoga?

Then great! There is no experience needed for what I teach.

Does this practice conflict with my religious beliefs?

No. This practice is non-denominational. It connects you deeper to your heart and self. What religion you do or do not subscribe to will not be impacted in any way, as these practices do not require an alteration in lifestyle or beliefs.

How long will it take for me to feel the benefits?

Usually within 1-3 days.

Why Kauai Mantra?

Kauai because it is my home now. I have never felt more at home throughout my life than I do here. Mantra because it is a mind vehicle, that’s what the sanskrit translation is more or less. So Kauai Mantra is a direct ride to your true home, your highest potential of being and thriving.

Do I need to change the way I eat, drink or live my life?

Absolutely not. What you do outside of the practice is completely up to you. If you are happy in your regular habits then the practice will simply enhance your life experience. Some do learn because they wish to alter their intake of certain substances and this practice will help with that. Many report positive spontaneous lifestyle changes as they continue, but no alterations are necessary to learn any part of what is offered.