About Me, Gayatri. 


Aloha, my name is Gayatri.  Most people call me Gaya.

I am here to help you evolve in the most gracious way possible in alignment with your heart and the natural flow of the universe around you.  I have studied extensively Himalayan yoga and meditation practices for over 10 years and am here to offer you the incredible potential these practices hold.  These techniques are doable by anyone and lead to: transcending your thoughts, establishing yourself within your higher self, releasing of stress and decreasing stress accumulation, enhancing connection to your intuition, liberation from anxiety and depression, natural presence and connectedness, increased creative potential, baseline happiness, and so much more.

These Himalayan yoga practices are deeply rooted in the Veda, the ancient body of knowledge from which all yoga originates. My primary teacher, Ananda Mehrota, studied since the age of 4 with his teacher in the caves of the Himalayas and was raised on the rich oral tradition of the Vedic and Tantric teachings. I visit him in India to soak up more and more knowledge every few years. As a teacher I am a forever student and always growing and expanding my own practice as well as my offerings. I do not believe that anything should be taught that is not experienced first hand.

Meditation, pranayama (breath work) and kriya work with our kundalini energy. Kundalini is the sanskrit and yogic word for our infinite potential energy. It is the energy that is exchanged between neurons, that is at the root of every atomic vibration, that keeps our cells alive, and our bodies. What the yogis have known for thousands of years is that we can harness this energy, purify it and master it. With mastery of our kundalini energy, often called shakti, we become deeply alive. We realize through this work our connection to nature, to everything around us. It releases stress stored in our physiology and rewires our nervous system to bear witness to the miracle that is this life and reveals our deep rootedness in the love of it all. We are in fact an individualized expression of the divine energy that permeates all that is. When we feel separate from this connection we fall into anxiety and depression, often leading to addictive and codependent patterns. These patterns emerge because we are lost and not rooted in our own hearts or aligned with our higher purpose. When we awaken this shakti within, we open our hearts and we expand our consciousness. We find natural alignment to ourselves and the world around us. In essence we find home.

I am here smiling and living vibrantly because these practices and my daily meditation have enlivened this evolutionary energy within me and literally saved my life. I have been able to overcome suicidal depression and crippling anxiety and heal deep traumas through this practice. I continue to evolve through it even after 10 years and it is my deep honor to facilitate others on their journey to awakening into their highest potential. We are here in these bodies to live embodied in love and true happiness. I would love to connect with you and assist you with your specific needs and evolution.