This practice is evolutionary. It allows you to tap into the codes of nature in the most fulfilling way. I met Gaya in 2019 in Kauai where we had organized to do a group Meditation together while I was visiting the magical island. I stayed in contact with Gaya, communicating regularly and sharing deep experiences that began to unfold for me as my consciousness evolved. For me, she has been the only person in my journey so far that has been able to explain the experiences I was having, particularly in relation to kundalini energy. I decided to work with Gaya more when I felt the calling to practice kriyas. Gaya’s guidance and ongoing mentoring has been amazing. The kriyas have helped me to understand the workings of nature at such an intimate level and continue to allow me to communicate with nature and receive in such a way that suits my intention. For example, I have been using a kriya that allows me to protect my energy and cleanse my auric field as I work in health care where energy is intense at times. I have noticed a positive difference almost immediately in my energy levels before and after work. I have always had a deep connection to nature and animals, since using the kriyas I feel this connection has enhanced.
— Demi, Australia
I learned three Kriyas from Gaya a couple months ago and am really seeing the benefit of their power in my daily life. It’s a lovely grounding kundalini type yoga breathing technique that fit easily into my regular meditation practice. Gaya spent time showing me the techniques and guiding me as I ramped up on them as well as scheduling check-ins to make sure they were still working for me. She has a very calming energy which makes for the perfect learning environment. If you want to make a positive change or just up your self-care game, I highly recommend working with Gayatri to incorporate this technique into your daily life.
— Lia, Portland
Gayatri trained me to meditate almost 8 years ago when I tore my ACL and couldn’t do my physically spastic extracurricular activities. It has completely remodeled my life. I meditate twice a day for 20 minutes. Gaya is a patient, wise teacher, guru and incredibly talented human being. She’s helped me find my North star, be healthier and learn the Vedas, an ancient body of knowledge including hymns, philosophy, and guidance on ritual for the Vedic tradition.
— Rachel, Los Osos California

Meditation is going very well. It has brought a peace to my life and a feeling of being more grounded.
— Jennifer, Humboldt California

Meditation has benefited my life in numerous ways. I’ve been meditating for a little over year now and it helps with my chronic fatigue, back pain, sleep issues, and anxiety. Once I started meditating, I began to notice a shift in my life. I left Cal Poly where I was very unhappy, moved to South Lake Tahoe, and started an at-home business with my boyfriend. I feel free to create the life I want and not live in fear anymore.
— Angelina, South Lake Tahoe CA

Who would I be without meditation? Meditation has changed my identity! I have expanded, deepened and risen to the throne of the compassionate witness through this Meditation.
— Myrica, Kauai

This practice has been such a profound and beautiful part of my life, and has truly awakened me to how amazingly wonderful this life is! Life has just gotten better and better every moment since I learned to meditate!
— Nick, Kauai
I love that I can wake up , meditate and get my energy feeling right to start off my day. I’ll even do it on the train on the way to work just to relax . It’s good for the soul and makes me feel calm and composed and happy!
— Xavier, Salt Lake City Utah
Gayatri has an amazing infectious energy. When my husband and I first met Gaya we immediately wanted to spend more time with her. She is warm and vibrant and truly inspiring. As a scientist, I love that she provides real data when talking about the benefits of a regular meditation practice. When she taught me meditation I most appreciated that she provided a safe space for experiencing, learning and asking questions. Learning was easy and streamlined and did not take a lot of time. It was totally doable and I began meditating twice a day. Gaya was great with providing emotional support and encouragement to help me keep up my daily meditation. Within a very short period of time I began to notice changes in the way I perceived the world: colors were brighter, I noticed beauty in mundane daily surroundings, I felt joy and gratitude, I felt more like “myself”. In the years since I have continued a daily meditation practice and I continue to benefit in many ways: my ability to see things clearly even in stressful circumstances, my ability to no not overreact, my ability to speak clearly and with compassion, all of these have improved. I’m very thankful that Gaya entered my life and I took the plunge!
— Betsy, San Luis Obispo CA
My experiences with yoga led me to an interest in meditation, but I knew nothing about how to begin a meditation practice. Gaya’s instruction showed me how to begin, and her continued support has really enhanced my practice. Meditation is now a part of my daily life, and my life is better because of it!
— Ken, San Luis Obispo CA
Meditation has been an incredible method of calming my mind and creating balance in my life. When meditating consistently I feel myself more alert and aware, more transparent with my intentions, and more driven to make those intentions come to fruition. The practice also aids my creative process by blocking out negative energy that could hinder that process. I have had insomnia for several years and this has helped my sleeping patterns immensely.
— Barrett, San Luis Obispo CA
Since learning to meditate with Gaya, the main benefit I’ve noticed is just an over all lower “baseline” of stress. I mean when I am getting out of bed in the morning my starting point is lower. This means I can handle demands and stressful situations I encounter throughout my day with more grace, and not be so reactive. I find I can focus better, too. This is probably related to the fact that my overall anxiety level is lower, so I don’t get as many racing thoughts where my mind is running all over the place.

I find if I skip meditating for a few days in a row, my mind starts to “crave” it. I can feel that I need it, and it almost feels like my brain asking for it, in the way that your body might ask for protein or sugar by initiating a food craving.

I have to be honest, I don’t meditate twice a day every day since doing the class with Gaya. I would love to, and hope that I can again when I am done with my PhD and life settles a bit. But even once a day, makes a big difference in my mental well-being.
I am grateful for Gaya and her teaching, and would recommend learning from her to anyone, but especially to people who are struggling with anxiety, motivation, or focus. She is a patient and loving person, and a knowledgeable and passionate teacher.
— Danielle, Prince Edward Island Canada
Gaya, from the initial moment I met her, had already felt like home. Like a dear friend I had forgotten was always there. I met Gaya just before I was going through a dark, troublesome period. I was on benzodiazepines for anxiety and was having horrific insomnia. After everything I seemed to be doing wasn’t working, she generously offered me private one-on-one meditation classes.

Gaya’s example of wisdom and gentle determination, game me hope. She gifted me with a tool that was uniquely mine. Something that I could quietly utilize for the rest of my life. I rigorously stuck with her taught practice, twice daily. It calmly balanced my mental noise and gradually gave me space for more clarity. I was off any prescription drugs in less than a week. I haven’t taken any since. I meditated everyday for one year.

Although I’m not as rigorous in my practice currently, I still turn to it to give me ease, lightness, and grounding. It has given me clarity, joy and honesty to courageously change several things in my life. Gaya was nothing short of a lifesaver.

Meeting Gaya has always felt like a healing breath and loving smile to my day. I’m eternally grateful for her gentle, humble guidance.
— Grover Woods, Kauai