

I teach integrated classes and privates that combine asana (the postures), breath work, kundalini, and meditation. I often teach to fun groovy music that helps us drop into our energy and let go. I see music as a valuable tool to get out of our heads along with the breath centered movement and really let ourselves flow. Although sometimes, especially in nature music is not relevant. I teach to all types of bodies, ages and people. Yoga to me is about cultivating breath, energy, and presence while having fun. This translates into my everyday life, and I hope it does for my students as well. I do not see yoga as something that lives on my mat, but rather a lifestyle for continuing to show up again and again to whatever life throws my way. I am trained in multiple modalities and have been practicing for 19 years now, teaching for 10. What I can say is I still love every second of it!

To book a private on the beautiful island of Kauai please send me a message in the contact page! I provide the mats and all necessary props. All levels are welcome.

Pricing: 1hr for 1-6 ppl is $150 and then $10 a head after that for additional participants.


Kundalini is our literally our energy, in China it is known as Chi and in Japan as Tao. It translates to our vital life force energy, or infinite potential energy. In physical terms it is the current that runs through our nervous system, what keeps our cells in motion, and what motivates our lives. Kriya is the actions we do to move and work with kundalini. Kriya purifies the physiology, psychology and emotional body. Increases our self confidence and experience of joy among many other benefits listed below.

What does it entail?

The kriyas are combinations of breath and/or mantra with specific repetitive movements.

Where does it come from?

It comes from the same origin as what we call “yoga”, india. In fact originally it was integrated with the yoga asanas, and in fact along with pranayama (breath work) it predates the physical asana.

What are the benefits of Kundalini?

Release stress that is stored in the body.

improves: immunity, digestion, focus, cardiovascular health, Sleep, creative thinking, communication in personal and business relationships, love of self, problem solving, self reliance, decision making, Muscle tone, and sexual performance.

Increases: joy, confidence, resiliency, happiness, stamina, fearlessness, motivation, intuition and lung capacity.

Balances the hemispheres of the brain providing us with more optimal brain power.

Decreases negative thought patterns, the control of the ego and the accumulation of stress, especially when combined with meditation.

heals trauma.

liberates us to live to our fullest potential.

provides access to higher states of consciousness and helps us stabilize these states.

Breath work (aka Pranayama)

Pranayama: Prana in sanskrit means ‘vital life force energy’ Yama in sanskrit means ‘to tune’

The most well known method of ‘tuning your vital energy’ is the breath. So most translate pranayama as breath work. However it is far more potent than that. while we mostly use the breath we also use movements that accompany the breath to optimize the process. pranayama has many benefits.

What are the benefits of pranayama?

It increases vital life force energy by releasing non vital energy, known as apana.

increases the bodies ability to move air and adapt to physical and emotional stress.

Decreases stress and anxiety.

increases lung capacity and improves cardiovascular health.

Improves the bodies efficiency of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange on a cellular level.

promotes positive brain chemistry and deep states of transcendence in meditation.

Enhances our access to ‘shunya’-a state of deep silence often referred to as the unified field of silence, or unity consciousness-both in and outside of meditation.

Increases: creativity, immunity, self-esteem, self-image,

improves our ability to process emotions.

develops self awareness.

accelerates stabilization of higher states of consciousness.